Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is Justice Nowadays?

Let me refresh your memory on the horrific event that involved Trayvon Martin; he was a young black man who was murdered by a neighborhood watch captain who identified Martin as a "suspicious person." Zimmerman, Trayvon's killer, was advised to stay in his vehicle, but disregarded those instructions and moments later...gunshots rung. This incident dates back to February of 2012 and just recently, December of 2019, Zimmerman is suing Martin's parents for $100 million.

Not only did he take everything from this family, but he is trying to do it all over again. Justice was thought to be served, but Zimmerman had other plans in mind. As he takes this journey in suing a family for more than they are worth, he loses sight on what he has already stolen from them.

The Martin family's justice wasn't justified in the eyes of Mr. Zimmerman hence the actions he plans to further take. When you think about it, the justice system was created to ensure that justice was given to those who deserved it and the people of America are kept safe under the law, but then people like Zimmerman are able to act so hatefully and our judicial system allows it. But I guess every body has equal right under the law and a fair chance to get the justice they believe they deserve.

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