Saturday, January 25, 2020

Where Do I Get my News?

Twitter is a large outlet where I find most of my news. I do not intentionally look for news on Twitter,  but as I do my daily scroll through, news pops up one post after another. Of course, I do not believe everything I see on the internet and I always have to fact check what I read, but Twitter keeps me, if anything, AWARE of not only things occurring in the United States, but on a global level as well. It also keeps me open-minded; Twitter is used by people from all walks of life who have the right to express their opinions about whatever they would like to on their feed. With that being said, as part of my daily news intake, I also get to read and learn about other people's opinion on different topics. Whether they be from Argentina or Russia!

Family is also a prominent source I look to for news. Being from Lebanon, a lot of the news that I am largely interested in is about Middle Eastern developments. Just recently, the Middle East has been booming with all kinds of governmental changes; from the murder of Qasem Soleimani to the ongoing protests in Lebanon. What better way to get my second-by-second updates then to ask someone who is experiencing these events first hand.

I get my news from various sources. It all depends on what kind of news I am seeking out. As a Greensboro local, I grew up watching Fox8 to learn about road blocks due to car accidents, school delays, crime close by, etc. Although my views do not align with the national Fox News network, political views rarely trickle down to the local news level and for that, I am thankful. Fox8 is not only timely, but they deliver non-bias important news throughout the day. They cover stories that range from yummy, local restaurant eats to horrific homicides.

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Google News is a fast and easy way to get news. I just recently started to use Google news as a prominent source. It allows you to search whatever information you are looking for so you don't have to waste any time scrolling. It also has immediate updates from multiple different sources, so not only are you getting it as fast as possible, but you are also learning about the world in multiple different perspectives.

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CNN is a larger news network that I use for more international based news. For example, I have the application on my phone and they send me notifications on my phone regarding important updates; this is convenient because I don't even have to open the app, all I do is read the notification and I am briefly informed. If I want to go into more detail, I can easily click and it takes me to the article. I also prefer CNN because they are more of a leftist network and that aligns with my personal political views, so I enjoy reading what they have to say

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